It is with much pleasure I welcome you to Portway Junior School - a happy and vibrant three-form entry school that feels like a family. We are over-subscribed and with a waiting list in each year group.
The school takes great pride in its sense of belonging, friendliness, and participation. The students' academic and personal growth, as well as their maturation into well-rounded, responsible, and respected young people prepared for secondary school and beyond, is our top priority.
Clicking the links below will take you to some key information about our school. As the term progresses, we will add to things here.
Learning Together, Achieving Forever, Soaring with PRIDE.
The school takes great pride in its sense of belonging, friendliness, and participation. The students' academic and personal growth, as well as their maturation into well-rounded, responsible, and respected young people prepared for secondary school and beyond, is our top priority.